Port Dover Headshot Photography
Natural, confident headshots that show your real self.
Character portraits that help viewers connect with you.
Expressive, compelling headshots.
Natural, confident headshots that show your real self.
Character portraits that help viewers connect with you.
Expressive, compelling headshots.
I’m most happy when corporate clients don’t request a uniform look for their headshots — because the chances of that uniform background, pose and colours working well for each person are remote! Individual portraits that suit each person was what Megan and Scott from MCAP asked for in these headshots of Bart, Michelle, Nancy and…
Clients become friends. . . . . friends you can ask for help. Here’s some photos from my friend Aaron’s headshot session. When my partner Denise had a job interview approaching with RIM, she wanted an inside scoop on how to prepare (she’s smart that way). I called on Aaron, who has done his share…
I was out doing winter portraits last week with a fun, laid back family (which I’ll blog this weekend). ….. and my introduction to them came from a corporate headshot session. I’m reaching back to just before the Perimeter Institute demolished it’s gazing pool (so glad we used it!!). Sarah conveys sharp and professional in…
I was photographing Katherine for her symphony headshot. She was completely open to the approach of showing something of herself that is central to her work. . . . . while not so traditional, I find this so much more compelling and interesting to see! Being happy doing this; enjoying it; the sense of warmth…
Colleen is friendly and easy to chat with. I can tell she’s just being herself. What is the opposite of being stiff? posing? posturing? …… the opposite is being real; being yourself. What happens when you show your character and personality in your professional headshots? …. People see someone they can relate to. That doesn’t…
Business headshot portraits don’t have to look like school picture day photos. When you only have a moment to capture a viewer’s attention, you want a professional headshot that stands out from the crowd. How can we do that? – We go on location for your headshot. Attractive, real, interesting backgrounds look better than photo…