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Clients and Friends

Clients become friends.   . . . . friends you can ask for help.   Here’s some photos from my friend Aaron’s headshot session.   When my partner Denise had a job interview approaching with RIM, she wanted an inside scoop on how to prepare (she’s smart that way).    I called on Aaron, who has done his share…

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Weekend in Toronto

Denise, Kayla and I spent 2 days scoping out cool grafitti, browsing Chinatown, hanging out and people watching.  Aside from being my partner and daughter, Denise and Kayla are always willing to help me try out new ideas.  They usually both contribute many of their own ideas too and I’ve learned how well their ideas…


Fear kills creativity

Rob Provencher, a photographer I admire and the co-founder of No BS Photo Success wrote those words, and they really struck a chord with me. This has been a powerful theme in my life over the last year. I learned it through photography and I think it’s useful far beyond capturing images. It really can…


The new coach

She describes her 1st day on the job to me as we’re driving home. I took my kids aside, sat them down and told them, I want to know everything you’d like to do and learn here. Brilliant!! …was my 1st thought. Her 1st day and she already grasps that her gymnasts will learn more,…


With friends like this

I’ve been thrilled with the early feedback on this website. Special credit has to go to my friend Laurie Skantzos, the artist who painted the background just for this site. Laurie also finishes my custom studio cabinets with paintings and finishes that become objects of art themselves. She has been instrumental in my photography. The…